Last blog entry….The 8th of April?!!? You must be kidding!
I must apologise.
In fact, one of my fore most goals when I decided to write this blog, was to be consistent in writing and updating it…(Well so much for that! Face palm!)
A lot has happened in the last few months since I last wrote….. I resigned, started a new job, started a new SUPER-EXCITING business venture (watch this space for more news!), organised a decorators showcase (B-r-e-a-t-h-e!) , built a house(!*%*!!!#@!)…oh and planned a few parties, which thanks to ‘Pinterest’ – and the new bar it sets – kept me far too busy and away from my normal life which was: ‘designer-by-day, blogger-by-night!’
Excuses aside, Styleast has not disappeared, and in fact is going to be making a comeback bigger and better than ever!!! So you see the REAL reason why I was not blogging, was because I was plotting and planning! Styleast is upping the ante in a big way (huge..beeeeeg….massive!!) It is just SO exciting, and I can’t wait to share the news!
So please folks, forgive me for my absence, and please do stay tuned for the exciting news….I won’t keep you in suspense for much longer ;)